NBA Statistics
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82games timeline

  • Founded in 2002 by Roland Beech
  • Popularized or created much of the 'first wave' of NBA analytics
  • ...including +/- and adjusted +/-, lineups, shot charts, drives/paint attacks, contested rebounds, passing nuance, individual and team defensive stats, contests, touches, clutch stats, FB stats, ref stats, on court/off court splits, etc etc
  • Consulted/provided custom data for a number of teams, until becoming exclusive with the Dallas Mavericks in the 2005-06 season
  • Through valiant efforts of Game Charters was able to collect new data to research subtle points of the league
  • Had partnerships/contracts with ESPN, NBC Sports, NBA 2k Video Game, etc
  • Sparked controversy with the Game Winning Shots article in 2006
  • Roland accepted full-time position with the Mavericks for the 2009-10 season as first "Stats Coach" in the NBA
  • Mavericks win 2011 Championship!
  • 10+ alumni/contributors to 82games have worked with NBA teams
  • ...the site largely on auto-pilot with circa 2002 data features awaiting overhaul and relaunch
Notable 82games Contributors:
Sachin Gupta -- Minnesota (GM), Detroit, etc
Dave Lewin* -- Boston (Ast GM)
Jon Nichols* -- Cleveland (VP of Basketball Strategy)
Dean Oliver -- Washington (Ast Coach), Sacramento, etc
Bob Chaikin* -- Miami
Kevin Pelton -- ESPN, Indiana Pacers
Dan Rosenbaum -- Detroit, Atlanta
Gabe Farkas -- San Antonio
Steve Ilardi -- ESPN (real +/-), Phoenix, etc
Aaron Barzilai -- Philadelphia
Sandy Weil -- Denver
Adrian Lawhorn -- Dallas
Eric Wong -- Fantasy expert, The Athletic

* = won NBA championship

If you have ideas for original content for the NBA, feel free to reach out to us.
Maybe you'll be the next 82games alumni to wind up in the NBA!